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music2me Guitar – 6 Months Access
music2me E-Guitar 6 Monats-Zugang
music2me Guitar 6 months access, 6 Months Access for Online Guitar Lessons (Download)@+The music2me guitar course enables both complete beginners and advanced players to learn and improve their guitar playing step-by-step@+A well thought-out and pedagogically sensible course that uses videos with lots of additional information to make practising easier and accelerate learning progress@+The video player can be adjusted for more effective practice, as the tempo can be changed via the slow-motion function, with picture and sound always running synchronously@+Any sections can be marked and played in a continuous loop.@+Your personal exercises can be saved and, of course, called up at any time@+If you have any questions, music2me’s friendly guitar teachers are always there to help, Voucher for the music2me online music school for beginners and advanced players, Sophisticated pedagogical concept by studied guitar teachers, Over 250 instructional videos allow you to learn at your own pace, Videos and content available at any time and from anywhere, Different styles like pop, rock, RnB etc., Music and notation theory, Regular new content at no extra cost, Intelligent video player with practice function, slow motion, etc., Including complete sheet music with tablature in the muisc2me online viewer, Tablet and mobile phone compatible user interface, Quiz function to check learning progress, Suitable accompaniment songs to practise and play along with, Email support from expert music2me staff (also available by phone)@+*Specifications*, Web interface compatible with PC, Mac, iPad, Tablet, iPhone, Android, etc., System requirements: modern browser such as Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer 9 or newer, Microsoft Edge, etc., permanent internet connection of 2 MBit/s or more.
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